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Travelex Travelers' Insurance FAQ

(Important note: Travelex does not currently provide coverage for non-US residents. If you reside in Canada or Europe, please contact cel@lotustours.net .)

Q: After I purchase travel insurance do I receive a confirmation?
A: Yes, once we receive your Travel Insurance Enrollment Form, we will process it and you will receive a Confirmation of Coverage and applicable policy documents via email from Travelex Insurance Services. The confirmation of coverage will include travel assistance phone numbers to call in case of emergency. The policy documents will explain the benefits, conditions, limitations and exclusions. You must bring both your confirmation of coverage and all policy documents with you while you travel in case of an emergency. You may also want to print your Travel Assistance calling information if traveling abroad.

Q: If we need to file a Claim, what are the procedures?
A:For Trip Interruption / Cancellation claim – immediately contact us (Lotus Travel) and the Travelex Claims department to report the trip cancellation/interruption to avoid non-covered expenses due to late reporting.  The Travelex Claims department will then advise you on how to obtain appropriate forms to be completed by You and the attending Physician (if applicable).  You must provide all unused transportation tickets, official receipts etc. If appropriate, obtain medical statements from the doctors in attendance in the country where Sickness or Accident occurred.
For Trip Delay Claims – Obtain receipts from any Additional Expenses (example: meals, lodging, etc.) and submit with written documentation from the source which cause the delay for verification (example: Common carrier, police report, etc.,)
For Medical Expense Claims – Obtain receipts from the providers of services, etc., stating the amount paid and listing the diagnosis and treatment.  Provide a copy of your final disposition of Your claim.
For Baggage Claims – In case of loss, theft or damage to personal belongings, immediately contact the hotel manager, tour guide or representative, transportation official or local police; report occurrence and obtain a written statement.  Submit claim first to party responsible (example: airline, hotel etc..). Provide a copy of the outcome of your claim, along with the written loss statements, receipts, etc.

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