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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How to make calls inside China? How to make international calls to other countries? Why do you recommend dialing 17901? What if it does not work?
    • Make a call to domestic China regular phone:17901+district code + phone number
    • Make a call to domestic China cell phone: cell phone number
    • Make a call to the USA or Canada:17901 + 001 + area code + phone number

    17901 is a phone code. By dialing this code, you can save up to 70% for the entire calling cost. If 17901 failed to connect your call, you can try using 17951. However, if all China Mobile's circuits are occupied, your call would not go through. In this case, you can dial the phone number directly, but it will cost much more.

  2. How to dial your rental phone from the United States?

    Dial 011-86 (country code for China) + your rental phone number. For instance, if your phone number is 13601881288, your friends or relatives should dial 011-86-13601881288.

  3. How to check my voice mail message in the cell phone during my trip?

    From your cell phone, dial 13800210166 and follow the instructions (only for clients who have selected the voice mail service upon reservation).

  4. How can I pick up and return the cell phone? When can I expect my rental phone after ordering?

    You can choose to pick up and return your rental phone in either China or USA.

    For China, the phone will be delivered to your hotel front desk before your arrival and Panda Phone will pick the phone up from your last hotel concierge.

    For pick-ups in the United States, you have to order the rental phone at least a week prior to your departure.

  5. What do I do during an emergency?

    Panda Phone's Frequently Used Number (FUN) includes the numbers of the local police, the nearest hospital and American embassy. You can also call Panda Phone at 400-820-0293, and its staff will arrange emergency services, alert a hospital and/or the police to help.

  6. How to reach Panda Phone's customer service department?
    • China (8:00AM-3AM Beijing Time):400-820-0293
    • USA (8PM-3PM Eastern Time):866-574-2050(Toll free number)
    • By Email: service@pandaphone.com
    • By Fax (China): (8621) ) 5168755
    • By Fax (USA):7324124040

  7. What is Panda Phone's lowest Price Guarantee?

    Panda Phone guarantees its rental price to be the lowest, so if you find a better deal elsewhere, it will match up the price instantly and give you extra cash bonus!

  8. What do I do if the phone is not working?

    Panda Phone will replace your damaged or stolen phone within two to three hours if you are in Beijing, Guangzhou or the downtown Shanghai area. This express service imposes a $10.00 service charge.

  9. Is there a deposit for the cell phone rental?

    No, however, if the phone gets stolen or damaged, you will be accountable for related charges.

Lotus Travel, Inc. 5990 158th Ave., SE, Bellevue, WA 98006 1-800-956-8873

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